Animal Photography for Teens.

This summer I’m super excited about a program I’ve created for teens. In the months July and August, consisting of four weeks, topics will cover animal photography, learning about animal welfare and discovering a unique visual vision.

The program will take place at Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary in Norton, MA.

How to Brighten a Photo in Lightroom

Sometimes your photo may be underexposed. As long as you shoot in RAW rather then JPG you can fix this. A RAW file is one unprocessed by the camera. With a JPG file, the camera is removing some details from the image. It’s always best to shoot in RAW unless you are limited on card space. Although it is a lot easier to bring back detail if an image is overexposed, as all the information is usually there and some of the information with an underexposed can be lost, you can bring back some detail.

Nature, Nurture and Recycling in the Garden

Trying to create a critter friendly yard and balancing that with recycling elements, I came across a TV program that suggested using used paper and toilet rolls to plant seeds in. I thought that was a great idea, so armed with seeds, plenty of cardboard rolls and compost I planted my zinnias this year. They are just about sprouting now. Then once they get a bit bigger, I will transfer the seedlings into an empty egg carton - more recycling!

How to Photograph a Cat.

Cats are fascinating creatures to photograph. However, I often get told how difficult they can be to capture. With a few guidelines, though, it is possible to get wonderful, expressive photos of your feline friend.

Beauty Underneath

I have to confess I haven’t been doing much photographing this winter. I don’t know if my age is catching up with me but my tolerance to the cold and wind has diminished this year. I still take the dogs everyday as I’m able for walks but for shorter durations.