Animal Photography for Teens.
This summer I’m super excited about a program I’ve created for teens. In the months July and August, consisting of four weeks, topics will cover animal photography, learning about animal welfare and discovering a unique visual vision. I think this will be such a fun experience and how great is it to spend summer with alpacas, goats and donkeys?
The program will take place at Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary in Norton, MA.
Week One will include learning about the Winslow Animals, learning to photograph animals and viewing some examples of animal photography online.
Week Two will include choosing a project, learning some basics about framing, lighting, and composition, as well as viewing some examples of photography projects online.
Week Three will continue working on the photography project, learning about creating a unique visual expression, with online viewing demonstrating how others help with the rescue of animals and why animal welfare is important.
Week Four will be the student’s presentation of the photography project,
Two July sessions. One program begins July 1 meeting on subsequent Mondays. One program begins on July 6 meeting on subsequent Saturdays.
Two August sessions. One program begins August 5, meeting on subsequent Mondays, One program begins on August 10 meeting on subsequent Saturdays.
Start time is 9am, with two hours of photography time for each of the three weeks.
Sign up is here