Nature, Nurture and Recycling  in the Garden

Nature, Nurture and Recycling in the Garden


Trying to create a critter friendly yard and balancing that with recycling elements, I came across a TV program that suggested using used paper and toilet rolls to plant seeds in. I thought that was a great idea, so armed with seeds, plenty of cardboard rolls and compost I planted my zinnias this year. They are just about sprouting now. Then once they get a bit bigger, I will transfer the seedlings into an empty egg carton - more recycling!

Next, after the seedlings get to be big enough to transplant into the garden, I will use plastic bottles with the tops left open to protect the seedlings from wind or harsh elements but allow the air to get in.

A unique look for your garden is the use of interesting containers. If it can hold soil, you can use it to plant something. Check out your cellar and attic for old containers just sitting around rather than buying new pots from the store.

Someone told me sheared sheep wool was great mulch but I found it out it was also something the birds enjoyed taking for their nests. I gave up the idea of mulch but bought a suet holder and put sheep’s wool in it. The birds have continued to enjoy taking and using the wool year after year for their nests. Now I know not everyone has the option of finding sheep’s wool (or alpaca fleece) but there are other options for you to put out, such as dried grass clippings (not treated with pesticides) or moss.

There are critters than can use the shelter of a branch pile. I have a pile of branches in the backyard (bigger than I would like at this point but..) that is home to many animals, including chipmunks, birds and other small animals..

Share plants. I’ve been the lucky recipient of a number of plants over the years. I especially try to plant hummingbird, butterfly and bee friendly plants.

These are just a few ideas I’ve come across. What ways do you recycle in your garden?

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